Sunday, June 18, 2017


Nature is a gift given to us and we have the responsibility to preserve it. Nature is the greatest contributor in the universe. Nature is what balances life in the universe. Nature provides oxygen, food and water to us.

We have a moral responsibility to protect Nature and to leave it to the next generation intact. Nature is not something that we made but was given to us a gift for our use during our stay on the earth. We don’t have the right to destroy it as this is a free gift received only for our use in a careful manner.

Deforestation is alarmingly high and the illegal logging industry is thriving across the globe. In some places, wild fires are created to make logging easier. This further, compounds the problem. Citizens and governments should intervene to stop deforestation.

Global warming also affects Nature negatively. Increased carbon footprints will make many species go extinct both among trees and animals. Nature’s fury of it is manifested through climate change. Fossil energy may give short term benefits but will cause long term irreparable damage to the earth. Businesses should be encouraged to adopt clean and renewable energy to fight this menace.

To ensure the ecological balance, along with stopping deforestation and reducing the global warming, we need to plant more trees. There should be both citizen and government participation in promoting Nature preservation. Governments should increase the number of parks with trees in the urban areas. Water harvesting should be made mandatory for every household by governments.
Through different ways we can stop deforestation and reduce the global warming. Every citizen should take the equal responsibility in preserving Nature. If we take care of Nature, Nature will take care of us. 

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